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Learn more about why Joe Biden is the best choice to protect and expand our health and rights
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As we continue to watch our country’s two very different, racially divided systems of justice unfold, we must demand accountability.
We must demand an end to the inequity that continues to define every moment of life for Black America.
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The stakes for public health and our access to health care could hardly be higher. At the ballot box this year, we — not out-of-touch politicians — decide what we do with our own bodies.
Paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes, 123 William St., NY, NY, 10038. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
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Why Racism Is a Public Health Issue
Public health is built on the principle of protecting and improving the health of people and their communities. Police violence is antithetical to that mission.
Defunding the Police: What it Means and Why Planned Parenthood Supports It
Planned Parenthood — in solidarity with patients, staff, and supporters — stands with the Movement for Black Lives’ call to defund the police. Defunding the police means investing less in militarizing police forces and investing more in community-based solutions, education, and health care.
COVID-19: No, We Are Not All in This Together
The public health disaster facing Black communities is the result of hundreds of years of U.S. policies that bolster white supremacy and marginalize Black people.
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新人一键搭建 Shadowsocks【ssr】图文教程:新人一键搭建 Shadowsocks【ssr】图文教程 - 一些国外的网站和服务在国内无法正常访问,比如 Google、YouTube、Instagram、Twitter 等 虽然有免费的科学上网服务,但是难免对信息安全上不放心,而且质量等也不够理想,毕竟 “天下没有免费的午餐”,想要免费 ...
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Stay on top of breaking news in the world of reproductive health and rights, including how you can fight back against attacks. We'll also keep you updated on major policy decisions and elections on the state and federal level.